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Isaiah's MobilityFunder Campaign for a Freedom Concepts DCP

A Bike For Lil' Boy

$2,975.00 Pledges of $4,335.00
55 Contributors
Created By: Monica Jones
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This little boy won't stop! He continues to get stronger both in his learning and body mobility. Isaiah's left leg has full functioning but his right leg is affected by cerebral palsy making him unable to bare his full body weight to stand. He is able to lift it and lightly kick a ball. He gets around in his wheelchair or by scooting on the floor. With physical therapy, he has increased his range of movement in his left leg and we are helping him to keep both legs exercised with light stretches too. 

As he gets bigger, he becomes more adventurous and loves being outdoors! This last year, Isaiah has explored much of his outside world in his all terrain wagon. He finds joy in watching other able bodied children play. But the time has come that he has outgrown his wagon.

Looking at all the options to replace his outside adventure mode of transportation, his family desires an adaptive bicycle with rear steering assistance that will open up more opportunities for him to enjoy being outside, promote his social skills with other children, and the adaptive peddles will help keep his legs in motion as he uses what strength he does have to operate his bicycle.

Please consider contributing to this campaign to help Isaiah's mom purchase this adaptive bicycle that will bring Isaiah years of use and miles of smiles! Thank you and be blessed :) 

A Bike For Lil' Boy

$2,975.00 Pledges of $4,335.00

Discovery Series DCP 16: RSSE Adaptive Tricycle by Freedom Concepts

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Anna Taylor
1 month ago
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago