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Alternative Seating






Save $140.13
Save $430.00
Save $490.00
Save $636.00
Save $140.13
Save $430.00
Save $490.00
Save $636.00

About Alternative Seating

What is Alternative Positioning? To simplify the answer, it can be simply stated as a position that is different than the current seating option or the primary positioning device (i.e. wheelchair, stroller, seating system). Alternative Seating allows the fatigued postural muscles of the body to take rest breaks and while working alternative muscles in different positions. They also offer a more ‘outside the box’ approach to downtime postural needs.
Our two most popular alternative seating products for users with special needs are the P Pod Postural Support System by Inspired by Drive and the Chillout Chair by Freedom Concepts. Both offer fun colors, multiple sizes, optional supports, trays and mobility options for moving it from room to room.
Both are great options that have some differences, but achieve the same result: a chair that is just for them, a safe, supportive seat to just hang out while supported and watch TV, interact with siblings and friends, daydream, watch Netflix on the iPad, or even hang on the patio and enjoy a summer night.
Unfortunately, alternative seating is usually not coded for insurance - making it quite the dilemma to get funded by traditional means. For this reason, our crowdfunding platform, MobilityFunder™ offers an easy, free to use option that doesn't have the traditional transaction fees most other crowdfunding platforms have.
Sizing Alternative Seating products isn’t as tricky as a stroller, wheelchair or stander, but you may still need some advice along the way. Feel free to reach out to our fantastic staff for advice on the right size, accessories, or what Chill-Out Chair fabric will best match the new living room couch. Hey, adaptive gear can look good and match the decor too… no shame in that.



• If the user is still growing will purchasing a size up be a better value over time?

• Will the user be doing activities while in the chair? Will they need an option such as an angled or lap tray?

• How much additional support will they need while sitting?

• Will the chair need to be moved from room to room and need to be lightweight or on wheels?

• Will it be used outdoors, on the patio, backyard, etc and need a certain fabric?

Does the user has sensory issues or sensitivity to certain fabrics
(Different textured fabrics are available on Chillout Chairs)