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Jogging Style Strollers

Real quality of life cannot be achieved through lessons and therapy alone; family-time and a breath of fresh air are both cornerstones of true happiness, no matter whether you are young or old. We offer a comprehensive range of jogging strollers for children and jogging strollers for adults, with versatile options for any type of terrain and every unique diagnosis…to get your whole family up and at it, in freedom and fresh air.






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Save $279.00

Special needs jogging strollers

Caring for a special needs child or adult can be something of a full time job and while many of us wouldn’t give the time we spend with our loved one up for all the world, living without the right equipment can mean sacrifices when it comes to our own daily outdoor and fitness regimes. The last thing, however, that your loved one would want is for their special needs to get in the way of you living a healthy, well balanced and active lifestyle.

What’s more, there’s not a special needs child or adult around who wouldn’t delight in and benefit from regular excursions to the park or jogging trail, a bit of wind in the hair and fresh air in the lungs, not to mention regular, quality hours of the type of family time that everyone can enjoy.

The special needs jogging stroller is the ideal way for carers, parents and loved ones to enjoy a bit of sunshine an exercise while treating their charge to regular outdoor and social therapy.

Designed with enhanced tyres, manoeuvring and suspension capabilities, a jogging stroller for adults or children will see you over terrain and at speeds that the average pushchair stroller will not. Larger wheels in a three-wheeled configuration, with the occupant well supported and sitting at a more reclined angle, with their feet up in front for balance and comfort, mean that you can safely walk or run at high speeds through grass, sand, over bumpy or rocky terrain, sidewalks and more.

The Joggers on offer at

With a plethora of high performance adaptive joggers and special needs joggers from some of the most trusted names in the business, such as Special Tomato and Adaptive Star, you can be sure that, when it comes to keeping your loved one engaged and supported while you take in the fresh air and keep fit, we’ve got you covered.

Features that we look for when curating our selection of special needs joggers are things like durable tyres; advanced braking and manoeuvrability; a comprehensive selection of modular support accessories and all-weather accessories such as rain covers and sun visors; maximum comfort and safety, as well as sleek good looks.

From full featured, high-end options like the XRover All-in-one to more affordable high quality performers like the Adaptive Star Axiom Improv, we’re convinced you’ll find the perfect option for your family, your needs and your budget.