A Walk With Ne'Hemiah

A Walk With Ne'Hemiah

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Created By: Tasharria Scott
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My name is Ne'Hemiah Ray. I am 10 years old. When I was 14 months old I was misdiagnosed with Spatistic Diplegia Cerebral Palsy. It keeps my arms and legs locked from tightness.. My mom didn't find out until I was almost 4 years old. They told her that I had a developmental delay. She later found out that I had a small cyst on my brain which they told her not to worry about because it would go away. I was a very healthy 8 lbs 2 Oz baby at birth. I've never been hospitalized nor into nicu but nobody believes my story.

I can not walk nor stand. Ive never been able to walk nor stand. However, if you put me in water I can walk for you. I want to ride bikes with my brother and sister to feel normal. I always sit on the porch and watch them have fun. It bothers me and my mom. We never let it show. I just get into my wheelchair and chase them. I've had multiple of surgeries. I have had to have hip surgery to get my ball joint back into my socket. I had plates in my hip for a while. I've had a biopsy done so the doctors could try to cover themselves for the misdiagnosis that my mom didn't have a clue about.

Now they are telling my mom and dad to keep an eye on my spine because I have a touch of scoliosis. I just want to be normal. My mom can't afford many of things because she has to care for my siblings as well. She also have really bad arthritis in her hands that makes her miss work sometimes so she doesn't make much money. She does try to give us everything we ask for but this is just too much. She bought me a camera for my YouTube channel. I would love to ride this bike on there to show the world that we are normal as well. We have seen a new neurologist who doesn't seem to find anything wrong with me. I can talk. I can eat on my own and even bathe myself. (Except my back my side I can't reach back there) I am normal. The neurologist said it could be a very rare thing that they have not yet detected. I want to be the voice for other children and people.

Please help me be that voice. Thank you and happy holidays!

A Walk With Ne'Hemiah
A Walk With Ne'Hemiah
A Walk With Ne'Hemiah

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Anna Taylor
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Anna Taylor
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Anna Taylor
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