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Adaptive Stroller for Jane

Adaptive Stroller for Jane

$3,450.00 Pledges of $3,300.00
18 Contributors
Created By: Kelly Maxfeldt
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We are looking to purchase an adaptive stroller for Jane to allow Jane to participate out in the community while accommodating her sensory needs. We currently use a wonderful wagon, however, as she is getting older it is challenging to lift her in and out. A stroller would provide Jane more independence to get out enjoy and activity and sit back down all on her own when she needs a break. 

Jane loves going to the pumpkin farm, fairs, zoo and other community outing. However, when places are crowded or new to her, she becomes over stimulated and her anxiety kicks in and becomes dysregulated causing her to miss out on the fun due to unsafe behaviors. The stroller will provide Jane with a safe space that is just for her. It will also have a canopy to help offset the bright sunlight which can also cause her overstimulation.

Unfortunately an adaptive stroller for sensory related issues is challenging to have approved through insurance even with documentation from OT and doctors. If you are able and willing we would appreciate any help in making it easier for Jane to enjoy outings with our family! Thank you for your consideration. 

Adaptive Stroller for Jane

$3,450.00 Pledges of $3,300.00

Convaid Cruiser - Standard and Cordura Upholstery

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Anna Taylor
1 month ago
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago