Note: Only multiples of 5 allowed
Select or Enter Custom Amount
Note: Only multiples of 5 allowed
To obtain a quote for this product, customize it with the required specifications (size, color, accessories, etc) using the 'Add to Quote' button. Then, fill out the form with your preferred contact method, and we will be in touch. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you!
Configure and shop your adaptive gear
Start a MobilityFunder campaign by sharing your story
Use our simple marketing tools to create the buzz and get funded!
You are one step away from completing your MobilityFunder crowdfunding campaign.
Please make sure that all the details you have entered are correct. Your campaign will go live once out busy bees will confirm that it matches all MobilityFunder requirements. We will notify you by email and you will be able to start creating some buzz!
Feeling lost? Look out for out tips below
It’s really important that the title of your campaign is clear, to the point and gets attention. Make sure to include the person’s name (or nickname people know), state the need, and what they are looking to crowdfund the item. We find that also stating the difference it will make to be helpful too. Keep it simple, to the point and heartfelt. Examples: "Help Ava Ride with Her Sisters”, "Let’s Chip in For Our Lil’ Hero”, "Team Josie Needs Your Help!”, "A Special Seat for Sammy".
Have the main Campaign Picture include the person this is for, please use a high quality picture (preferably larger than 800x800 pixels), choose the best photo to draw attention. Your main photo will be the photo people see when the Campaign is shared on Facebook, so make it help tell the story. Pictures with pets and siblings are great. Multiple pictures are recommended. 4 pics are ideal!
Use our writing tips to create a successful campaign
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Read our hot tips to create successful , visually striking campaign
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pulvinar at justo eget suscipit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pulvinar at justo eget suscipit.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pulvinar at justo eget suscipit.
Reach out to us anytime if you need help with product questions, configuring, measuring, setting up your campaign, tips for promoting or anything else!
Reach out to us anytime if you need help with product questions, configuring, measuring, setting up your campaign, tips for promoting or anything else!
You have completed your MobilityFunder campaign setup process.
Your campaign will go live once out busy bees will confirm that it
matches all MobilityFunder requirements, which normally takes 2-3 working days.
But for now, go and explore some awesome MobilityFunder stuff!