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Journee's Chill-Out!

Journee's Chill-Out!

$2,340.00 Pledges of $2,316.00
19 Contributors
Created By: Dawn Desince
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I will give you a brief background. Journee was born July 31st 2012. She is my 8th child and we knew nothing about her condition prior to birth. At an hour old she stopped breathing and then began having back to back seizures. She was lifelines to Riley hospital in Indy where they determined she had several strokes. She is turning 10 in a week and a half. She doesn’t eat orally (she has a G/J tube), she is non mobile and non verbal. However she is simply the most amazing child, she loves music and her kitten Daisy, she watches Mickey Mouse all day and loves her family time, thank you for this opportunity

Her P-Pod Chair has fallen apart and there are great reviews on the Chill-Out Chair!! So in lieu of gifts this year, we would greatly appreciate your donation towards comfortable seating for our girl!  We do already have 1500.00 of the funding from a local charity.  Thank you for caring about our girl! 

Journee's Chill-Out!
Journee's Chill-Out!

Journee's Chill-Out!

$2,340.00 Pledges of $2,316.00

Chill Out Chair - Roll'er by Freedom Concepts

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Anna Taylor
1 month ago
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago