Keeping John-Paul Safe!

Keeping John-Paul Safe!

$4,035.00 Pledges of $4,740.70
62 Contributors
Created By: Heather Humbolt
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John-Paul suffers from celiac, Localization-related (fecal) (partial) idiopathic epileptic Epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with seizures of localized onset, ASD Level 3 Non-Verbal, Wondering (Z Code medically Diagnosed) and Insomnia. However to spite all of the pain and big words he has had to learn in his short 4 years on this earth he goes out of his way to try and make others smile and laugh.

Night time is John-Paul's biggest challenge with seizures and when his big ones seem to hit him the hardest. He has woken up disoriented, scared and fallen out of his bed. He has also fallen out of his bed during a Clonic Tonic seizure putting him at risk for injury.

We have been pleading with our insurance for over a year but they have a home monitoring Claus in our policy through my husbands work and will not cover any needed equipment for Autism or Epilepsy. This has left us playing for all of his monitors and video equipment out of pocket. We can not afford to get the last one item that will ensure he does not break a bone or worse get a head injury during a seizure.

Bedtime should not be a fear or source of anxiety for anyone especially a child. This breaks my heart.

Keeping John-Paul Safe!
Keeping John-Paul Safe!

Keeping John-Paul Safe!

$4,035.00 Pledges of $4,740.70

Safety Sleeper Collection (Models: 200, 300 & 400)

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Anna Taylor
1 month ago
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago