Let’s Get Jakey Comfy!

Let’s Get Jakey Comfy!

$2,795.00 Pledges of $2,400.00
32 Contributors
Created By: Jacob Dooley
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We would love to get a P-pod seat for Jakey for him to relax in a still supportive position. We cannot get it covered due to it not being considered durable medical equipment but supportive comfortable seating is essential in my son’s ability to live without pain. Jacob was born at 36 weeks unexpectedly after the doctors saw a lack of movement on his ultrasound. When he was born, he was unresponsive and was resuscitated two times. I was told by one of Jacob’s neonatologists that he was so close to death that if we were minutes later, he would not be here with us today. Jacob was born with his cord wrapped around his neck, and two true knots in his cord. After he was resuscitated we were not able to see him for the next six hours while they tried effortlessly to get him stable. He was placed on a cooling blanket and sedated on a ventilator to put a stop to the brain damage that was happening. After a brain MRI later, it revealed that Jacob had a parenchymal hemorrhage in the left parietooccipital region, along with ischemia in the basal ganglia. The outlook we were given was not good and we were told many, many times “your baby is very sick“. 

Over the years we have watched and waited as Jacob has exceeded our expectations. He works so hard in his therapies to be able to do things that most people take for granted. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and HIE along with cortical vision impairment. He is wheelchair bound and cannot sit, stand, walk or talk, but he can communicate in his own way.

Jacob has 2 brothers, Ethan (10) and Sean (14) who is autistic and a sister, Raegan (18) who is away at Indiana university. They are some of Jacobs biggest fans. We all just want to see him comfortable and happy. Jacob is currently still using an infant seat that he has far outgrown. Please help!

Thank you so much,
The Dooley  Family

Let’s Get Jakey Comfy!

Let’s Get Jakey Comfy!

$2,795.00 Pledges of $2,400.00

P Pod Postural Support System by Inspired by Drive

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Anna Taylor
1 month ago
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago