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Little Felix and Family Need Sleep!

Little Felix and Family Need Sleep!

$0.00 Pledges of $4,051.50
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Created By: Abigail Valle
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          For as long as we can remember, Little Felix has been a climber. He climbs counters, tables, dressers; if it has footholds, he is using them. He is definitely talented, and his spirit animal is a mountain goat. He's also a runner and jumper and completely fearless. They're admirable talents and all, except at night when he should be asleep! He has autism and we're thinking there's something else in the mix.

          After months of sleepless nights staying up thinking he's trying to open his baby gate to leave the house (which he has done!); headbutting his sisters awake or getting into something he shouldn't (he has no sense of danger.),(Or, he was just not sleeping at all and keeping us awake with him.), we decided that enough was enough. We had to look for solutions! Nobody can function on what feels like 6 hours of sleep a week, I don't know how he does it. 

          We did quite a bit of research before deciding that the Safety Sleeper would be the best fit for us. It wouldn't replace the bed frame or mattress we'd already bought, it would keep him where he needed to be at night- safe and sound in his bed. 

          We went through different channels in order to see if our insurance would cover it, as it is a bit pricey, only to be told the first company doesn't work with our insurance and the second wouldn't bother attempting to process getting one paid for. They don't even sell them, and it didn't seem medically necessary. He needed to be injured before we could even begin asking for one. Disheartening, but not the end of the world.

          We are a single income household and could really use the assistance. Any help would be incredibly appreciated!

Little Felix and Family Need Sleep!

$0.00 Pledges of $4,051.50

Safety Sleeper Collection (Models: 200, 300 & 400)

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Anna Taylor
1 month ago
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago