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Top 5 Reasons Why Standing is Important

Top 5 Reasons Why Standing is Important

Promotes weight bearing.
through the legs and trunk to assist with maintaining and potentially increasing bone strength. Children who are at risk for osteoporosis or decreased bone mass can benefit from maintaining or increasing their bone density placing them less at risk for fractures during transfers or day to day activities. That being said, if a child has already been diagnosed with either decreased bone density or osteoporosis it is imperative to have a physician’s approval prior to beginning a home program and be monitored closing throughout to make sure that there are not any complications.  
Provides a stretch to hip and knee flexors and heel cords which are common areas for decreased range of motion.
Muscle tone management and stretching go hand in hand. If the muscles are more relaxed with greater range of motion, it is easier to manage toileting, dressing and bathing throughout the day in addition to increased ease with transfers and positioning.  If a child does not have the ability to reach the full range of motion independently, that child is at a greater risk of developing contractures. If this same child has spasticity, the risk is even greater. By placing the muscles on a stretch in standing, it causes the tight muscles to stretch and fatigue while the “weaker” muscles are given the opportunity to strengthen and contract helping to promote a better balance between the muscle groups. It is crucial that if a child has contractures or high tone, the stander is made to fit them; a full stretch may not be possible or tolerated which limits the success of the standing program. It is very important to not overstretch tight muscles as this can cause significant pain to the child, soft tissue damage and even the potential for fractures of the bones.
Increases space in the trunk/thoracic cavity for organs to expand and work.
This increases circulation and respiratory function and bowel and bladder function. Many children with special needs have been prescribed medications that have side-effects which interfere with bowel/bladder function and then are prescribed Miralax or another medication to assist with increasing function. A standing program is a great addition to a bowel/bladder program – it lets gravity do the work as well as allowing more space in the thoracic cavity for the organs to expand and function.
Promotes skin health and management while potentially decreasing risk of pressure sores.
Pressure sores are directly linked to not changing postural positioning as well as decreased independence with bowel and bladder. Standing is one of the few ways to achieve almost total relief from putting pressure on prominent sitting boney prominences which is a great way for the skin to recover and stay healthy.  
It feels good to move and change positions!
Picture riding in a car or flying on a plane for a long trip, the space is tight and there is not much wiggle room, you’re just plain stuck. Now picture and remember how good it felt when you could change position, stand and stretch, and move around. Remember how your mood lifted, how the back pain started to subside and how life returned to your legs and feet. Many of the children with moderate to severe physical impairments do not have the ability to fidget in their seat for relief or stand for a stretch without help. These children are more at risk for developing contractures, chronic pain, and orthopedic impairments as a result of spastic tone or low tone if not provided with the opportunity to stretch.
Standing is a wonderful tool, but it has to be respected for the potential dangers and contraindications as well as the benefits. This is the reason it is imperative to have a physician’s approval and work closely with a therapist to determine the proper equipment and standing program.
If at any time, it becomes too confusing or difficult to navigate through the world of standing products or any other piece of equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us here at Tadpole Adaptive. We are always willing to provide unbiased and informed guidance.