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Car Seat for Blake

Car Seat for Blake

$0.00 Pledges of $923.00
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Created By: Kari Barrios
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Blake is an amazing boy who has overcome more challenges than any of us will ever face in our lifetime. He has genetic mutations that no one else in the world has. This means that he has to live a little differently than the rest of us. This includes sitting in harness style car seat for much longer than a neurotypical child. We travel 4 hours one way to see his doctors. This doesn't include our day to day driving that requires Blake to be in the car. He is not cognitively advanced enough to understand that he needs to stay seated correctly and can't unbuckle. He outgrown traditional car seats. At this point, am adaptive car seat is our only option to keep Blake safe in the car. 

Merritt Manufacturing Roosevelt Car Seat

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Anna Taylor
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1 month ago
Anna Taylor
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Anna Taylor
1 month ago