Let’s Keep JoJo on the Road!

Let’s Keep JoJo on the Road!

$1,075.00 Pledges of $1,075.00
8 Contributors
Created By: Kelly Johnson
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Josiah (JoJo) has severe/classic autism and doesn't speak, as many of you know. He's 5 years old now and getting taller by the day, which means he's on track to outgrow his current car seat within the next six months. He loves going places now that the pandemic has ended, but we need to keep him safe while he's on the go!

After speaking with CPSTs (Child Passenger Seat Technicians) who specialize in car safety for children with special needs, we've come to the conclusion that we need to save up for a special needs car seat. Unfortunately, our insurance will not cover this for us. We looked at regular car seats on the market but he would outgrow those within a couple of years most likely. Since chances are good that he will need to be in a 5 point harness for the foreseeable future, it doesn't make sense financially to keep saving up for and buying car seat after car seat.

We also don't want him to outgrow his current seat before we have his next seat ready- he needs and deserves to be able to travel safely so that he can be an active participant in the world around him. With all of the extra expenses that come with raising a child with special needs it's going to be tough to also purchase a new seat in time.

We appreciate any donations more than you'll ever know, but if you are not in a position to be able to do so we'd be just as thankful for your prayers as we navigate these next few years especially.

Let’s Keep JoJo on the Road!
Let’s Keep JoJo on the Road!

Let’s Keep JoJo on the Road!

$1,075.00 Pledges of $1,075.00

Merritt Manufacturing Roosevelt Car Seat

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Anna Taylor
1 month ago
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago
Anna Taylor
1 month ago