From people just like you.

Gary's Success Story

Funded $1344.00 for a Rifton Trike
For three years, Gary had enjoyed the therapeutic benefits of bike riding and loved riding. Unfortunately, the toddler sized tricycle that was adapted for him was too small to use safely. Gary needed to get a bigger special needs bike that provided the support and safety he needed. The family received $500 from the Great Bike Giveaway but it wasn’t enough for the Rifton Trike he wanted.
"Simply, relying on the support of your family and friends!"
"Just want to give you another big thank you for helping us get the bike. Gary has been having a blast riding it, and I just love how easy it is for him to use. I was certainly overwhelmed by the positive response I got, and did not think it would all happen so fast! In fact, there have been so many other people who did not get a chance to contribute on the site who have been sending me checks in the mail to help out with other things Gary might need, such as a helmet and pads and other smaller items not covered by insurance. It is all very touching. We just got Gary a new helmet that matches his new bike! We are donating the old bike back to our community so another special young child can use it.” Janelle H.
Aztlana's Success Story

Funded $3392.00 for a Thomashilfen tRide Stroller
Aztlana was born with encephalocele and Microchepaly. At 11 months she had the Encephalocele removed and at 12 months developed infantile spasms. At around 2 years old she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Aztlana’s family was searching for a Fundraising option to help Aztlana get a new Thomashilfen tRide Stroller. Aztlana loves going for walks and enjoys being outdoors, so the new stroller would be a perfect option for her. She also loves music and is always dancing when music comes on. Within a few months of using the MobilityFunder® Aztlana’s family reached their goal with the help of friends and family using various social media outlets. She may not be able to walk or talk but she enjoys life and is always happy and makes the best out of any situation. Even when she is hospitalized she is always smiling nothing brings her down. She is always so happy despite her limitations and is a sense of strength for her family. Aztlana amazes her family everyday with how hard she works to overcome obstacles, she is a little warrior.
"Just be consistent don't worry about bothering your friends and family with millions of posts about sharing your child's page. Half the time not everyone sees your post, so keep posting it and asking all your Facebook friends and family to share, so that more people can see it. Also tagging people or asking someone popular if they can share your child's page helps."
"OMG Aztlana loves her Thomashilfen tRide Special Needs Stroller so much! She is able to be out with her siblings and doesn't need to be carried around. She loves going to Disneyland in her new wheels, she gets to experience it better because she can actually be upright and it's like a mini-wheelchair, just so much more comfortable for her. She also enjoys going out for walks."
Keegan's Success Story

Funded $2302.00 for a Thomashilfen Recaro Monza Car Seat
Keegan is limited to certain activities and mobility due to his disability. That doesn’t stop him from enjoying the outdoors with his family, going to the park, and bowling! He has 4 other siblings that he absolutely loves hanging out with. Keegan's family was searching for a fundraising opportunity to help raise money for a special needs car seat to make family outings a little easier. They signed up for MobilityFunder® and began looking for options to raise money for Keegan. After a couple weeks Keegan's parents applied for a grant from a local organization to help out with the car seat. To their surprise, the organization covered the entire cost of the car seat! Keegan and his family were so excited! The Thomashilfen Recaro Monza has made a world of difference in Keegan's life. He is now able to go to his doctor's appointments and spend more time out of the home with his family!
"We applied to the Elks Club for a grant. They were very kind and helpful to us and offered to cover the whole cost of the car seat!"
"The Thomashilfen Recaro Monza has made a world of a difference in Keegan's life. He is now able to go to his doctors appointments and spend more time out of the home with his family."
Mia's Success Story

Funded $1382.00 for a Thomashilfen Carseat
We used only Facebook to promote Mia’s Campaign. I have a lot of family and friends who have been following Mia’s journey since she was a small baby. We are blessed to have had people that care that Mia has the equipment she needs to flourish, and the means to help her out. Last year we raised money via GoFundMe for a stroller for her to use when a lot of walking is required, while it took slightly longer than MobilityFunder® we raised the money in a relatively short amount of time. I felt she would benefit from a high weight limit stroller vs a push chair, and she has the first stroller she has ever been comfortable enough to fall asleep in.
"My only advice would be don't give up, I think I shared Mia’s Campaign at least 5-10 times a day. Not everyone sees every post you share. I also asked my friends if they could to please share her campaign on their own pages."
"The car seat benefits Mia in her everyday life. We can made the 3 hour journey to Disney for her sister’s birthday comfortably. She is more comfortable because of the added padding. Her Rheumatologist and Physical Therapist felt she really needed a car seat with added padding and foot support as to not place added pressure on her hips and back. Thomashilfen was a great fit and I feel she will truly have a better quality of life because of this seat and the opportunity Tadpole Adaptive gave us through MobilityFunder. Thank you so much I will refer everyone to you for adaptive equipment!"