Advice for Success & Answers to Questions

Advice for Success & Answers to Questions
Use MobilityFunder® to tell you story and get that item you need that will make a difference. Work with our experts to get the right size, choose the right accessories, and make the item work for the user’s lifestyle. But use your best judgement too and be realistic, we’ve found sometimes there are a few too many ‘Add to Cart’ clicks or too many added options and it makes the goal untenable. Focus on your immediate needs.
It happens. You’ve tapped into your family, friends, coworkers, school, etc. You’ve made it a long way towards your goal but the circle isn’t full. This happens with customers using our service sometimes. Never fear! You can talk to us and we provide a flexible solution. Whatever amount you have raised will be converted to store credit. Some will simplify their requested items, pay the remainder themselves, or use our financing to cover the difference.
Many people feel embarrassed about asking their friends and family for help. Think of it this way, your MobilityFunder Campaign is an opportunity for friends and loved ones to help out, sometimes the people close to us want to give us a hand but they don’t know how - it’s a win-win, people want to show you support, while you are able to get that item that will really make a difference in your life.
Post to Your Hive on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or whichever social media you are most active on, constantly. If friends and family are unable to help contribute, ask them to post on their accounts. Get as many people reposting links to your campaign as you can - this increases awareness exponentially.
Outside the USA? Maybe we can make this happen (maybe not). Since MobilityFunder® is for crowdfunding & group-gifting products available on Tadpole Adaptive, we are limited to shipping and sales terms on Tadpole Adaptive. Tadpole has different agreements with different manufacturers we represent and can’t ship to some countries. We are happy to discuss this with you if you are outside the USA. If we can ship to you, we’ve partnered with amazing, affordable & reliable freight forwarders that can get items anywhere and at very good price.
• Community events are a great way to Create Buzz!
• Use holidays and birthdays as the perfect opportunity to target Your Hive when you are already on their mind.
• Good old-fashioned flyers, posters posted at school, work, even local shops can help a lot.
• Start a Yard or Garage Sale to fundraise, plus tell them what it's for so they don't haggle your price down on that old toaster!
• Update, often! Share and update on Facebook, as often as possible. Get friends, family, co-workers, groups, etc to share your page on Facebook, Insta, Pinterest, etc - This can increase your exposure exponentially.
• Adding a video to your Campaign Page can dramatically increase shares & contributions - make it personal!
• Communicate news and updates directly on your MobilityFunder® Campaign Page easily using Facebook comments!
• Money is tight for a lot of people, and perhaps they’ll be unable to Contribute, but sharing your Campaign can be just as helpful!
• Target the people in your Hive who are most likely to Contribute first to gain momentum. An active Campaign is proven, over and over, to get more contributions.
Use a compelling Campaign Title, use the person's name in the title like : "Let’s Help Jack get his first Adaptive Bike!" Have the main Campaign Picture include the person this is for, please use a high quality picture, choose the best photo to draw attention. Your main photo will be the photo people see when the Campaign is shared! Use holidays and birthdays as the perfect opportunity to promote and raise awareness.
Adding a video to your Campaign Page can dramatically increase shares & contributions - make it personal! Explain to your Hive why this is so important and needed. Tell Your Hive how this will make a difference. Keep it short and to the point. Share the video everywhere.
Simply: No Fees with Excellent Service & Support. This is something nobody else is doing. There are lots of Crowdfunding sites out these days. We have no fees, zero, zilch, nada. GoFundMe, YouCaring, Crowdrise, etc. all either charge fees (4%-9% usually) per donation with a credit card processor fee (usually 2%-3%) - quite often, they do both. 100% of what Your Hive contributes goes towards your campaign. The other compelling reason is you get our expert help, advice and support from beginning to after you receive your item.
Contributions are processed through our storefront and once the transaction is successfully processed the amount is applied immediately!
Absolutely! The same Pricematch policy we offer on Tadpole Adaptive applies to MobilityFunder®.
Your items fundraised on MobilityFunder® are treated as orders on Tadpole Adaptive and have the same free shipping policy (contiguous USA). Exceptions apply for freight items. We’ll discuss any extra shipping fees with you prior to launching your page and add any applicable charges to your goal total.
Yes! At signup we have a selection option to fundraise as an individual or group/team.
Possibly, we carry many products not on our site (like high end manual wheelchairs) - reach out to our team if there is a mobility item you need that isn’t live on our site and we’ll see if we can make it happen.
For security compliance reasons on our site, we currently don’t allow customers to edit their campaigns after it goes live. Never fear, if you launch your campaign and want to make some tweaks, reach out to our team and we can quickly make the changes so it's just right.
Yes! We’ve found that there are more people that choose to remain anonymous than you might think so we added this feature. Anonymous contribution’s amounts will still show in your feed.
You can only create a campaign on your own for one item. We chose this limitation to keep goals focused and more likely to succeed. If you really need multiple items, contact our team and we can create a custom campaign for multiple items.
To obtain a quote for this product, customize it with the required specifications (size, color, accessories, etc) using the 'Add to Quote' button. Then, fill out the form with your preferred contact method, and we will be in touch. We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you!