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Advice for Success & Answers to Questions

Get Bold. (But not too Bold)

Use MobilityFunder® to tell you story and get that item you need that will make a difference. Work with our experts to get the right size, choose the right accessories, and make the item work for the user’s  lifestyle. But use your best judgement too and be realistic, we’ve found sometimes there are a few too many ‘Add to Cart’ clicks or too many added options and it makes the goal untenable. Focus on your immediate needs. 

'Hitting the Wall'

It happens. You’ve tapped into your family, friends, coworkers, school, etc. You’ve made it a long way towards your goal but the circle isn’t full. This happens with customers using our service sometimes. Never fear! You can talk to us and we provide a flexible solution. Whatever amount you have raised will be converted to store credit. Some will simplify their requested items, pay the remainder themselves, or use our financing to cover the difference. 

Asking Friends & Family for Help.

Many people feel embarrassed about asking their friends and family for help. Think of it this way, your MobilityFunder Campaign  is an opportunity for friends and loved ones to help out, sometimes the people close to us want to give us a hand but they don’t know how - it’s a win-win, people want to show you support, while you are able to get that item that will really make a difference in your life.

Use Your Hive to Create Buzz!

Post to Your Hive on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or whichever social media you are most active on, constantly. If friends and family are unable to help contribute, ask them to post on their accounts. Get as many people reposting links to your campaign as you can - this increases awareness exponentially. 

International. (Outside the USA, including Canada)

Outside the USA? Maybe we can make this happen (maybe not). Since MobilityFunder®  is for crowdfunding & group-gifting products available on Tadpole Adaptive, we are limited to shipping and sales terms on Tadpole Adaptive. Tadpole has different agreements with different manufacturers we represent and can’t ship to some countries. We are happy to discuss this with you if you are outside the USA.  If we can ship to you, we’ve partnered with amazing, affordable & reliable freight forwarders that can get items anywhere and at very good price.


  • General Tips
  • Story Tips
  • Video Tips


  • Why use MobilityFunder® over other platforms? (GoFundMe, Facebook Fundraiser, YouCaring, etc.)
  • How soon will my raised amount be updated when pledges are made?
  • I see the item I want to use MobilityFunder® for priced lower on another site, do you price match?
  • Will I be charged shipping when my MobilityFunder® item ships?
  • Can we Fundraise as an organization or group?
  • Can I use MobilityFunder® for items not available on Tadpole Adaptive?
  • How do I make edits to my MobilityFunder® Campaign Page?
  • Can my friends & family choose to make their contributions private?
  • Can I start a MobilityFunder® Campaign for multiple items?
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